[pmwiki-users] New definition list functionality
pmwiki at ben-amotz.com
Thu Jun 1 15:30:47 CDT 2006
Patrick R. Michaud <pmichaud <at> pobox.com> writes:
> On Thu, Jun 01, 2006 at 06:37:45PM +0000, Pico wrote:
> > I noticed the definition list on the notify page: *VERY cool*
> >
> > How does it work?
> Actually, this isn't at all new -- it's been in PmWiki for many years.
> It only works for $Variables. Any markup of the form $VariableName
> does a search of the pages in the PmWiki.Variables and returns
> a link to that page. Any definition that is of the form :$VariableName:
> automatically generates an anchor for that definition.
What, exactly, is being searched: (1) the PmWiki.Variables page itself or (2)
the trail defined by the list of pages that appear on PmWiki.Variable?
If the trail is being searched, do you care that the trail is being expanded by
the second list of pages under the "See Also" heading? Shouldn't make a
difference, because those pages don't seem to contain markup that matches the
variable pattern, but we could knock those extra pages off the trail by
adjusting their item markup.
> (The code that performs this magic is in scripts/vardoc.php.)
> > I am really excited about this.
> I wouldn't be. 1/2 I don't have any plans at present to extend
> this particular feature beyond the existing $Variable documentation,
> unless we're able to seriously resolve a lot of issues.
> Pm
I would be very interested in reading anything more you might have to say about
this feature and the issues that would need to be resolved. It really does seem
to provide so much of what I was thinking about for WikiTerms and its existence
makes me reconsider whether the initial WikiTerms proposal necessarily called
for the creation of a new set of tools that did not already exist. (WikiTerms
thread at http://pmichaud.com/pipermail/pmwiki-users/2006-May/028329.html)
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