[pmwiki-users] commentbox q.

noskule noskule at gmx.net
Mon Jul 10 10:49:16 CDT 2006

Am Samstag, 1. Juli 2006 02:11 schrieb John Rankin:
hi john
I'm on the way configuring the commentbox. So I write you some 

At default a comment looks like this:

!17:32 by '''[[~Admin]]'''!This is the comment title
This is the comments sentence. This is the comments sentence. This is the 
comments sentence. This is the comments sentence. This is the comments 
sentence. This is the comments sentence. 

* It seams that there is either missing a "\n" at the end of "$MPTimeFmt" 

This are the output of the commentbox.php

<MPDateFmt><MPTimeFmt>This is the comment Title
This is the comments sentence. This is the comments sentence. This is the 
comments sentence. This is the comments sentence. This is the comments 
sentence. This is the comments sentence. <MPItemFmt><MPItemEndFmt>

* MPItemFmt is at the end of the message. I'm wondering if it  shouldnt be at 
the beginning of the comments sentence cause MPItemEndFmt follows right after 
the end of MPItemFmt

So far I understand it is hard to cusomize the commentbox template cause the 
order of the variables are fixed. Would there be a solution to have a 
template that defines the order in wikitext format like:

!!!! MPDateFmt
!! MPTitleFmt
$Autor, MPTimeFmt

grz nos

> On Friday, 30 June 2006 9:38 PM, noskule at gmx.net wrote:
> >Am Freitag, 30. Juni 2006 00:38 schrieb John Rankin:
> >> On Friday, 30 June 2006 5:07 AM, noskule at gmx.net wrote:
> >> >hi list, hi john
> >> >Is it somhow possible that the commentbox writes its output in an other
> >> > page than the wikipage? For example: If I put (:commentbox:) indto the
> >> > rightbar commentbox puts the text into the content not the rightbar.
> >> > Is this somhow changeable?
> >> >thanks for any hints.
> >> >grz nos
> >>
> >> It depends on how you want it to work. For example, the latest version
> >> of wikilog includes a (:wikilogbox:) directive that allows a commenter
> >> to pick the date for which to post a story. So commentbox could do the
> >> following:
> >>
> >> option a. provide (:commentbox SomePageName:) markup, which would let an
> >>           author specify the page on which to post the comment; if the
> >>           page name is omitted, post to the current page
> >>
> >><snip>
> >>
> >> Because the comment handler uses the PmWiki HandleEdit function to
> >> post comments, one consequence is that the commenter will be taken
> >> to the page on which the comment is being posted. For example, if
> >> the SideBar contains (:commentbox SideBar:) the commenter will end
> >> up on SideBar, not the page from which the comment was posted.
> >
> >hm, I guess this will seldom be the case, cause if I want the redirect
> > there would be no need to specifie the target page cause I allready
> >there.
> Looking at pmwiki.php, it might be possible. There is an '$EditRedirectFmt'
> variable, which defaults to '$FullName'. In theory, if we set this to the
> name of the originating page, HandleEdit might do what you want. So you
> might be in luck.
> >><snip>
> >>
> >> Comments?
> >
> >I can imagine two cases to use the "post target" feature
> >* shoutbox (commentbox in a sidebar)
> >* comment blog entries (include a {$Page}-Discussion page into the
> >groupfooter)
> >
> >What happens if the page dosnt exist, does commentbox create it?
> Yes -- it's using PmWiki's HandleEdit, so it's just like any other
> edit -- if the page doesn't exist, PmWiki creates it.
> ><snip>
> >
> >Are there mybe cases where a redirection to the comment target page is
> >desirable? So there my would be a need for a redirect yes/no
> >feature
> Assuming the EditRedirectFmt variable does what I think it does and
> the poster can stay on the current page and go to not the posting page,
> I think we'll leave that as a configurable parameter until there is
> a need. The administrator can always override the standard behaviour.

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