[pmwiki-users] "Save & Edit" and "Preview" with custom markup

DaveG pmwiki at solidgone.com
Mon Jan 2 21:16:30 CST 2006

Not sure if this is a bug or an error in my markup.

I have defined a markup and an $EditFunction to replace "Tags: a,b,c" 
with "Cats: [[!a]],[[!b]],[[!c]]" when Saving, and to do the reverse 
when Editing.

However, when using "Preview" or using "Save & Edit" the preview looks 
fine, but the edit box now contains the translated markup ("Cats...") 
rather than the untranslated ("Tags"). It seems that either the reverse 
translation does not occur, or that the translation should not be shown 
in the edit box.

  ~ ~ Dave

Ref: http://www.mr2wiki.com/pmwiki/index.php?n=Main.WikiSandbox
Here's the code I use:
Markup('^Tags:', 'directives', '/^Cats?:\s?(.*)/ie', 
'PZZ(\$GLOBALS["Categories"]="Tags: $1")');

function TagsToCategories($tags) {
     $categories = preg_split('/, */', $tags);
     if (count($categories)!=0) $tags = '[[!'.implode(']], [[!', 

     return 'Cats:'.$tags;

function CategoriesToTags($tags) {
    return 'Tags:'.preg_replace('/\[\[!([\w]+)]]/', '$1', $tags);

function MyConvertTags($pagename, &$page, &$new) {

    $new['text'] = preg_replace('/^Tags?: *([\w, ]+)/ie', 
"TagsToCategories('$1')", $new['text']);
    if ($x==$new['text'])
       $new['text'] = preg_replace('/^Cats?: *([\[\[!\w\]\], 
]+)/ie',"CategoriesToTags('$1')", $new['text']);

array_unshift($EditFunctions, 'MyConvertTags');

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