[pmwiki-users] jspspellcheck - update

Dominique Faure dominique.faure at gmail.com
Tue Dec 19 07:05:24 CST 2006

On 12/18/06, Patrick R. Michaud <pmichaud at pobox.com> wrote:
> On Mon, Dec 18, 2006 at 09:45:18AM -0800, Seth Cherney wrote:
> >    I am still trying to get jspspellcheck to work (I suppose there are not
> >    too many people in hosted environments, since otherwise this would be more
> >    popular).
> I looked at jspspellcheck over the weekend, but since it makes use
> of Java servlets I'm not sure how to make that work in my hosted
> environment.  If someone can give me a quick tutorial of how to
> install/configure the Java servlet portion I might be able to
> help a bit more, but it wasn't instantly obvious to me how to do it.
> In particular, I get to the steps in the jspspellcheck instructions
> that say:
>     BTW, as an alternitive you can just unzip this WAR into your WAR,
>     just don't include the /WEB-INF/web.xml and /META-INF/* files.
>     1. Place the files in the jspspellcheck directory into a place
>     that you feel comfortable with (inside your war)
> I have no idea what a "WAR" is, or where it might be on my
> server.  When I attempt to run the examples, my server returns
> the .jsp files as plain text rather than executing them on the
> server, or whatever is supposed to happen.

I haven't tried enough java to be a specialist, but I think that WAR
is an acronym for "Web ARchive" which are supposed to be a convenient
(!?!) kind of container for your tomcat/... server (as the .jar could
be for .class files). Therefore, they are zip files with some xml
manifests qualifying the content.

Hope this help,

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