[pmwiki-users] Create pages with default content

Sivakatirswami katir at hindu.org
Sun Dec 17 04:40:28 CST 2006

I asked this on the 13th, got no answer...
let's try again with less verbiage:


1) this is about page creation
2) where new pages contain some default text (or markup)
     --could be some: (:include, (:pagelist, (:comment data:)
# pre-filled data... etc. whatever...

Our specific requirements:

1. prefill new default home pages for groups with pre-defined page lists
       -- a small form prompts to create a  new group
       -- user enters a new group-name for a new project like 
       -- page does not exist yet, but  there will appear on the page a 
link like
              "MakingIncense.MakingIncense?" (or "MakingIncense.HomePage?")
                  (I will use Zap Data for this.)

       -- user clicks and is prompted that the page does not exist...
        -- he  clicks on the the link and a default edit displays for 
the new page
         as per normal new page creation in PMwiki.. only this time
            It already  contains pre-defined text, markup, includes etc.

2. prefill new default pages in a specific group;
           # contains some specific page lists carefully defined for 
     --such that if  we create a new page:
         -  Staff.NewVolunteer # this is pre-filled with the text-mark 
up of some
                default text-markup-content for any new page in  group 

Doable or not? (with any existing recipes) Note my workflow as defined above
is not yet  actually defined, so we are open to any solution for creating
pages with default text-markup already inserted.

In  Peace

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