[pmwiki-users] Persistent attacks on pages

Pico pmwiki at ben-amotz.com
Wed Apr 26 10:35:21 CDT 2006

> From: "Patrick R. Michaud" <pmichaud at pobox.com>
> On Sun, Apr 23, 2006 at 11:23:18AM -0400, Neil Herber wrote:
> > At 2006-04-23  11:13 AM -0400, Pico is rumored to have said:
> > >b. Password Protecting the page would make it harder for people to add
> > >comments.  On the other hand, maybe the comments should be broken off to
> > >a separate page, leaving the basic recipe to be password protected.
> > >That has other benefits for this page because its comments have included
> > >long lines of literal text that throws off the screen size.
> > 
> > I would suggest password protecting the page, but revealing the 
> > password in plain text on the page so that humans can read it. The 
> > type of attack you are describing sounds like a robot or zombie, and 
> > they don't bother password protected pages as a general rule.
> > 
> > Example: "To edit this page, you need to use the password 'zxcv' 
> > without the quotes."  Put this somewhere near the top of the page.
> Even better, just protect the page with PmWiki's site password ("quick").
> Pm

Ok, I went ahead and password protected the page with PmWiki's site password ("quick").

I also went ahead and moved the comments over to a new page called ToDo-Comments for the reasons explained above: accessibility, page size and tendency of ToDo comments to include long lines of literals.


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