[pmwiki-users] Re: WikiCalendar

John Rankin john.rankin at affinity.co.nz
Fri Oct 21 15:15:42 CDT 2005

On Saturday, 22 October 2005 4:34 AM, Thomas N. Burg <editor at randgaenge.net> wrote:
>Am 20.10.2005 um 22:32 schrieb John Rankin:
>> On Thursday, 20 October 2005 10:43 AM, John Rankin  
>> <john.rankin at affinity.co.nz> wrote:
>>>> Works perfectly! Two additional questions: how can I change
>>>> Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow to the actual weekdays? And the "edit" is
>>>> that implemented.
>> 1. Download and install the latest version of wikilog.php
>> 2. Set $yesterday_today_tomorrow = false;
>> 3. Days with a calendar entry gain an (edit) link
>> 4. Disable this by setting $edit_weekday = false;
>> 5. Edit is PublishPDF-aware and goes away in print views
>> If you have any questions or comments, let me know.
>> -- 
>> JR
>> --
>> John Rankin
>Works as you said. Perfect. Nonetheless I've got two points ;-)
>- The edit-link: I'd like to translate it via i18n, is it already in  

At the moment, it does ([[($date?action=)edit]]) so I'll need to
change that bit of code so it can be translated. Sorry about that.

>- The edit-link an some other parts are controlled within  
>wikilog.php. Now if I make changes there i'll loose all if the file  
>gets updated. Any chance to change that behaviour

You should not need to change wikilog.php -- everything is a
variable that can be configured. What exactly do you want to
change? If there is something I have hard-coded, we can
easily change it.

If you have a link to a page showing the behaviour you'd like
to change, that would also help.


John Rankin

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