[pmwiki-users] Conditional Directive based on time

Patrick R. Michaud pmichaud at pobox.com
Wed Oct 12 12:00:55 CDT 2005

On Wed, Oct 12, 2005 at 11:17:14AM -0500, Jonathan Scott Duff wrote:
> doesn't optimizing for authors (ala, PmWikiPhilosophy #1) mean not to
> confuse them if at all possible? It's simpler for authors to remember to
> always use "YYYYMMDD" for dates. It's simpler for authors to remember
> that the dates they write/read are always included in ranges. 

One question (non-rhetorical):  How likely is it going to be that
someone is going to soon ask for the ability to specify months (YYYYMM)
so that they don't have to put the DD in place?  Or perhaps times

However, I don't have a problem with building the implementation
to only allow YYYYMMDD formats for now, if that's the majority wish.
However, it begs the question:  What should PmWiki do if the date
is incorrectly formatted -- i.e., if an author forgets a digit or
adds extra ones?  (My guess: Default to "false".)


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