[pmwiki-users] sorting booklists alphabetically, numerically

John Rankin john.rankin at affinity.co.nz
Thu Nov 24 16:50:36 CST 2005

On Friday, 25 November 2005 10:23 AM, malexism at free.fr wrote:
>Excuse me poor english, John !
It's better than my French! 

>I just want to use wikiforms for a little library too, but i don't need 
>Markup Extension cookbook. So, is there another way, without all thoses 
>markup extensions ?
>This is because i want to keep this wiki simple ! :-)

>From memory (not always reliable) the only markup extension it uses 
is => to right align the header or footer navigation and edit links.

So try using wikiforms plus the following (which throws away
the unwanted markup):


The wikiforms recipe uses regular pmwiki ":term:definition text"
markup to specify a form template. Wikiforms then places its own
interpretation on the "definition text" to build the form. The
pages generated are regular pmwiki pages, with regular pmwiki

If you decide to give the recipe a try, let me know how you get on.
And if you find any other extensions it is using that I have
forgotten about, we should be able to resolve any problems without
too much effort, I hope.

John Rankin

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