[pmwiki-users] Italian translation for V2

Ugo Mariani ugo at sinet.it
Fri May 20 17:38:01 CDT 2005

On Friday 20 May 2005 22:56, Joachim Durchholz wrote:
> * Translate the page names so your Italian users will feel at home.
> * Create pages with the original English names that are redirects to the
> Italian pages, so anybody who picks up a link in an international forum
> or uses Italian /and/ English in his work can still use the English page
> names.

Thanks... useful suggestion.
Since I'm at the beginning (there's hardly anything translated yet) I'd like 
to get things right first time.
I also know French, so I'm using PmWikiFr as an example. Unfortunately, I 
don't understand a word of German. :-(
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Ugo Mariani

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