[pmwiki-users] Work files

Joachim Durchholz jo at durchholz.org
Thu May 5 15:26:47 CDT 2005

Patrick R. Michaud wrote:

> $WorkDir/.foo/ should be fine, except that it'll make it difficult
> for people to see the .foo/ directory from FTP and other places.

It's just a file :-) (and no intention of ever becoming a directory)

I have been thinking about using $WorkDir/foo. Since that's just 
lower-case letters, there's no conflict with page names.

> I'm guessing that when you say "The ID-data mappings must be stored
> in a file" that precludes using PHP sessions to hold the handles/data?

Well, that's what I thought initially...

I had been thinking about sessions, but wasn't sure what information 
would go to the user's browser: just the session id (OK) or the session 
data itself (not OK).
I now *think* it's just the session id, and have started coding the 
stuff up as session data. I just hope it's the Right Thing To Do...


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