[pmwiki-users] Re: Dynamic wiki trails - passing along the name of the trail page

John Rankin john.rankin at affinity.co.nz
Wed Mar 9 15:53:10 CST 2005

On Thursday, 10 March 2005 3:35 AM, chr at home.se wrote:
>On Wed, 9 Mar 2005, Patrick R. Michaud wrote:
>> >
>	http://www.pmwiki.org/wiki/Test/SomePage?trail=Test/TrailPage
>I think using GroupHeader/GroupFooter could work well for me... 
>especially if there was someway to only insert this special markup 
>if the argument is there... This means we'd need something
>	(:if URI-arg-exists=trail:)
>	Current trail: <<|{$URI-arg trail}|>>
>	(:ifend:)

I think it's simpler than that: let the GroupHeader contain


If the current page is not on the trail, the markup returns ''
instead of the current <<|TrailPage|>>.

This will also automatically drop the trail navigation from the
Printable View.

Note an author can have a GroupHeader (or Footer) that contains:



and 'it just works'.

And an administrator can put the following into a template
(give or take syntax errors)


where config.php contains, for example,


Again, 'it just works'.

In other words, this approach requires no new features, just a
small change to the handling of existing trail markups.

This could even be a configurable parameter, for sites that
*want* the output to be <<|TrailPage|>> for off-trail pages.
John Rankin

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