[pmwiki-users] Re: Re: <div> markup suggestions...?

Jonathan Scott Duff duff at pobox.com
Thu Mar 3 14:10:57 CST 2005

On Thu, Mar 03, 2005 at 01:50:22PM -0600, Patrick R. Michaud wrote:
> On Thu, Mar 03, 2005 at 01:07:48PM -0600, Jonathan Scott Duff wrote:
> > >     >>Pm<<
> > >     This is stuff written by Pm
> > 
> > Sure it reads well, but what does it *mean*?  If you're applying a Pm
> > style, there should be % somewhere.   If you're just naming the
> > division then this is okay I guess.
> Okay, then:
>     >>%Pm%<<  -- block using the Pm WikiStyle
>     >>#Pm<<   -- block named "Pm"  (anchor)
>     >>Pm<<    -- block using Pm CSS class (which may or may not be
>                  the same as the wikistyle)

I like them all.  (Despite that I still make a case for ==== below :-)

> > How about ====?  People often use horizontal rules to divide their
> > pages into sections, this would just be an extra special hr :-)
> Well, there's two issues:
>    - Several markup languages use '===' for headings (PmWiki's '!!!'),
>      and some people/sites are likely to want to preserve that
>      (and I don't want to prevent it).

Sure ...  If you say that the ==== must appear on a line by itself or
with only a style, that shouldn't conflict with other-wiki heading
syntax.  I.e.  only lines that match /^====(%.*?%)$/ start a division or
alternatively only lines that match /^====\s*\w+/ are headings.
>    - In the past I've stated that lines beginning with '=' are reserved
>      for custom markup -- i.e., that PmWiki wouldn't define such a sequence.
>      So, I'd have to retract that position, or at least say that it no
>      longer applies to v2.  I don't have a big problem with doing this,
>      as there have been several times (including now) that I wish I
>      had '=' available to me and wish I had reserved a slightly longer
>      sequence.  And perhaps our need to reserve a markup for local
>      customization is now reduced since we tend to use (:...:) for
>      custom things.

Or just modify the rule slightly such that only /^=+\w+/ (as most
people have used it) are reserved for custom markup.

Jonathan Scott Duff
duff at pobox.com

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