[pmwiki-users] GobbledyGook
Patrick R. Michaud
pmichaud at pobox.com
Fri Jun 10 14:42:40 CDT 2005
Can you forward me a copy of your config.php?
On Fri, Jun 10, 2005 at 03:23:07PM -0400, Joel Walzer wrote:
> Can anyone tell me what's happening? Yesterday I decided to upgrade from
> beta 28 to beta 37. I copied the whole directory to my home computer &
> then simply copied the 37 files into the existing directories allowing
> them to overwrite existing files. When I tried to go into the wiki I saw
> lots of markup, like if you accidentally look at a web page with a text
> program. The body of the page appears normally at the end. So I tried
> going back to 28, first by overwriting the 37 files with the 28 files.
> When that didn't solve the problem, I erased the existing directory and
> copied the backup of 28 (including all the data files) back onto the
> server. I still have the problem!
> I am using dropdown skin & disabled that and went back to the pmwiki
> skin to see if that was the probelm & it didn't make any difference. I
> also believe that I have been careful to only change config.php or files
> in the local directory & not change any files which pmwiki will change.
> The site is normally password protected primarily to keep it from being
> indexed by search engines, but I've temporarily disabled them if anyone
> wants to see the mess first hand
> (http://napathwork.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php). Here is an example of most of
> what appears (I'm assuming the Warning is significant, but don't have a
> clue what it means or how to fix it):
> *Warning*: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by
> (output started at
> /homepages/14/d114231070/htdocs/wsc114231076/pmwiki/pub/skins/dropdown/dropdown.php:8)
> in */homepages/14/d114231070/htdocs/wsc114231076/pmwiki/pmwiki.php* on line
> *663*
> Other official docs, , Array, , , $DropDownSkin, (:include
> NAPACouncil.GroupHeader:)(:nl:), (:nl:)(:include
> NAPACouncil.GroupFooter:), browse, $GLOBALS; /*Set one of the following
> variables in your local config.php to change the behaviour*/
> SDV($DropDownSkin['Version'],1); /* Set Version of Skin, default '1' 0:
> gives "old skin" with javascript (Win XP2 compatible) 1: uses the new
> version which activates ":hover" functionality in IE with help of an
> .htc file 2: same as '1' but activates also DropDown menus on the
> SideBar 3: same as '1' but activates DropDown menus only for the SideBar
> (intended for optimization,when you don't use a MenuBar)*/
> SDV($DropDownSkin['SideBarEdit'],1); /*Enable edit link for the
> SideBar*/ SDV($DropDownSkin['MenuBarEdit'],1); /*Enable edit link for
> the MenuBar*/ SDV($DropDownSkin['BottomBarEdit'],1); /*Enable edit link
> for the BottomBar*/ SDV($DropDownSkin['GroupHeaderEdit'],1); /*Enable
> edit link for the GroupHeader*/ SDV($DropDownSkin['GroupFooterEdit'],1);
> /*Enable edit link for the GroupFooter*/
> SDV($DropDownSkin['LeftSearch'],1); /*Show Searchbox in LeftPageFmt*/
> SDV($DropDownSkin['PrintPreview'],1); /*Show Print Preview Button*/
> SDV($DropDownSkin['PageLeftFmt'],1); /*Show PageLeftFmt including search
> and Logo*/ SDV($DropDownSkin['PageFooterFmt'],1); /*Show PageFooterFmt*/
> SDV($DropDownSkin['PageHeaderFmt'],1); /*Show PageHeaderFmt*/
> SDV($DropDownSkin['PageTitleFmt'],1); /*Show PageTitleFmt*/
> SDV($DropDownSkin['PageMenuFmt'],1); /*Show PageMenuFmt*/ /*Additional
> markups*/
> Markup('noleft','directives','/\\(:noleft:\\)/e',"SetTmplDisplay('PageLeftFmt',0)");
> Markup('nomenu','directives','/\\(:nomenu:\\)/e',"SetTmplDisplay('PageMenuFmt',0)");
> if (browse=='print') { /* Switch Template for Print output*/ Other official
> docs
> <http://napathwork.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/NAPACouncil/OtherOfficialDocs> =
> "\Other official docs
> <http://napathwork.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/NAPACouncil/%5Chttp://napathwork.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/NAPACouncil/HomePage?action=print>";
> = "\Other official docs [\$Url
> <http://napathwork.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/NAPACouncil/%5C$Url> ]";
> SDV(,'(:include NAPACouncil.GroupPrintHeader:)(:nl:)');
> SDV(,'(:nl:)(:include NAPACouncil.GroupPrintFooter:)'); (:include
> NAPACouncil.GroupHeader:)(:nl:) = ; (:nl:)(:include
> NAPACouncil.GroupFooter:) = ;
> #$DoubleBrackets["/\\[\\[mailto:($UrlPathPattern)(.*?)\\]\\]/"] = #
> "''\$2'' [mailto:\$1]"; LoadPageTemplate(NAPACouncil.HomePage,
> "pub/skins/dropdown/print.tmpl"); } else { /*Load default styles*/ $html =
> "\n"; /* Change SkinVersion according to variable $DropDownSkinVersion*/ if
> ($DropDownSkin['Version'] == 0) { /*load style and necessary JavaScript
> portion for IE*/ $html .= "\n"; /*necessary for working drop down menus
> with IE*/ $html .= '\n"; } else { /* add :hover functionality to IE for all
> elements and load style*/ $html .= ''; $html .= "\n"; }; if
> ($DropDownSkin['Version'] == 1) {/* MenuBar with new menus */ $html .=
> "\n"; } elseif ($DropDownSkin['Version'] == 2) {/* MenuBar and SideBar with
> new menus*/ $html .= "\n"; $html .= "\n"; } elseif
> ($DropDownSkin['Version'] == 3) {/* only SideBar with new menus*/ $html .=
> "\n"; }; Array[] = $html; /*place all above HTML into the header section*/
> if (!$DropDownSkin['PageLeftFmt']) {/*Remove area PageLeftFmt from
> display*/ SetTmplDisplay('PageLeftFmt',0); $DropDownSkin['SideBarEdit'] =
> 0; /*remove edit-link from footer*/ }; if (!$DropDownSkin['PageFooterFmt'])
> {/*Remove area PageFooterFmt from display*/
> SetTmplDisplay('PageFooterFmt',0); }; if (!$DropDownSkin['PageHeaderFmt'])
> {/*Remove area PageHeaderFmt from display*/
> SetTmplDisplay('PageHeaderFmt',0); }; if (!$DropDownSkin['PageTitleFmt'])
> {/*Remove area PageTitleFmt from display*/
> SetTmplDisplay('PageTitleFmt',0); }; if (!$DropDownSkin['PageMenuFmt'])
> {/*Remove area PageMenuFmt from display*/ SetTmplDisplay('PageMenuFmt',0);
> $DropDownSkin['MenuBarEdit'] = 0; /*remove edit-link from footer*/ }; }; /*
> correct width of "#right", when no PageLeftFmt is visible*/ function
> IsPageLeftFmtVisible($x) { global $DropDownSkin; if
> ((isset($GLOBALS['TmplDisplay']['PageLeftFmt']) and
> !$GLOBALS['TmplDisplay']['PageLeftFmt']) or
> !$DropDownSkin['PageLeftFmt']) { echo 'style="width:98%"'; }; return; };
> /* hide or show Print Preview Button */ function DisplayPrintPreview($x)
> { global
> $DropDownSkin,NAPACouncil.HomePage,http://napathwork.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php,1;
> if ($DropDownSkin['PrintPreview']) { $html = "
> ".XL("Printable View")."
> <http://napathwork.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/NAPACouncil/%22.http://napathwork.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php;$html%20.=%20%28@1%29%20?%20%22/%22.str_replace%28>
> "; }; echo $html; return; }; /* hide or show Searchbox within
> LeftPageFmt*/ function IsSearchboxActive($x) { global
> $DropDownSkin,http://napathwork.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php; if
> ($DropDownSkin['LeftSearch']) { $URL = (@1) ? "/".XL("Main/SearchWiki")
> : "?n=".str_replace('/','.',XL("Main/SearchWiki")); $html = "
> \n
> \n"; $html .= "\n"; $html .= "".XL("SearchWiki")."
> <http://napathwork.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php%22.$URL.%22>
> \n"; $html .= "\n"; $html .= "\n
> \n
> "; }; echo $html; return; }; /* Show Editlinks in the footer only when
> header is active */ function DisplayEditButtons($x) { global
> http://napathwork.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php,NAPACouncil.HomePage,1,$DropDownSkin,Main;
> NAPACouncil = FmtPageName('NAPACouncil',NAPACouncil.HomePage);
> NAPACouncilURL = (@1) ? "/NAPACouncil/" : "?n=NAPACouncil."; $html = "";
> /*Checks whether a BottomBar already exists, if not, default is displayed*/
> if (!PageExists(NAPACouncil."/BottomBar") and
> !PageExists(Main."/BottomBar") and !PageExists("Main/BottomBar")) { $html
> .= "
> 1. \n
> 2. \n"; $html .= "".XL("Recent Changes")."
> <http://napathwork.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php%22.NAPACouncilURL.FmtPageName%28>
> 3. \n"; $html .= "
> 4. \n"; $html .= "
> \n"; $html .= "
> \n"; }; /*Check which of the edit links may be shown*/ if
> ((!isset($GLOBALS['TmplDisplay']['PageHeaderFmt']) ||
> $GLOBALS['TmplDisplay']['PageHeaderFmt']) and
> $DropDownSkin['PageHeaderFmt']) { $html .= "
> 1. ??? ".XL("Top")." ???
> <http://napathwork.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/NAPACouncil/HomePage#Topp>
> \n"; if ($DropDownSkin['SideBarEdit'] or
> $DropDownSkin['MenuBarEdit'] or $DropDownSkin['BottomBarEdit'])
> 2. {$html .= "".XL("Edit").":
> 3. \n";}; if ($DropDownSkin['SideBarEdit']) {$html .=
> "".XL("SideBar")."
> <http://napathwork.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php%22.NAPACouncilURL.%22SideBar?action=edit>
> 4. \n";}; if ($DropDownSkin['MenuBarEdit']) {$html .=
> "".XL("MenuBar")."
> <http://napathwork.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php%22.NAPACouncilURL.%22MenuBar?action=edit>
> 5. \n";}; if ($DropDownSkin['BottomBarEdit']) {$html .=
> "".XL("BottomBar")."
> <http://napathwork.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php%22.NAPACouncilURL.%22BottomBar?action=edit>
> 6. \n";}; if ($DropDownSkin['GroupHeaderEdit']) {$html .=
> "".XL("GroupHeader")."
> <http://napathwork.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php%22.NAPACouncilURL.%22GroupHeader?action=edit>
> 7. \n";}; if ($DropDownSkin['GroupFooterEdit']) {$html .=
> "".XL("GroupFooter")."
> <http://napathwork.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php%22.NAPACouncilURL.%22GroupFooter?action=edit>
> \n";}; $html .= "
> \n"; } echo $html; return; } ?>
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