[pmwiki-users] Re: wiki farm vs individual programs

Jon Haupt jhaupt at gmail.com
Thu Jun 2 22:03:44 CDT 2005

I've been messing around with both of these ideas - at this point I have 4 
separate installs, and am ready to figure out how to meld them into a farm. 
Everything in the documentation appears to work EXCEPT for the page on 
FarmSecurity - I have put the pmwiki.php, etc., in a directory that is 
inaccessible to browsers, as recommended, and the only part I am having 
trouble with is:

"To prevent this the best solution is to move the whole farm installation 
out of the public server space (out of the html/ or public_html/ directory 
tree) into a protected space which is not accessible to browsers, ***and 
then create a symlink or webserver alias so that /farmpub points to the 
farm's pub/ directory, and then set $FarmPubDirUrl = '/farmpub'; in 

I don't know a whole lot about Apache or symlinks, and what I have tried as 
failed. Without doing anything, everything works EXCEPT the CSS files -- PHP 
is able to parse the template and all of that, but it is displayed without 
any style information because the browser isn't able to access the CSS 

(404 - "The requested URL /farmpub/skins/pmwiki/pmwiki.css was not found on 
this server.")

So, after doing a little searching around, I put the following type of thing 
(with the correct paths) in my .htaccess (in the wiki field directory):

#Alias for /pub directory
Alias /farmpub /path/to/pmwiki/pub
<Directory /path/to/pmwiki/pub>
Order allow,deny
Allow from all

This created a 500 Internal Server Error.

I was using clean urls as well, so I took those out, to no avail.

So then I tried using a "symlink". Again I didn't know what i was doing so I 
just looked it up and ended up using the following command to create a link 
(from the field /pub directory):

ln -s /path/to/pmwiki/pub farmpub

This gave me a 403 (forbidden) error and I wasn't even able to get the 
layout, so it was a total failure. 

Am I doing something weird? Am I misunderstanding how to do either of these? 
Anyone have any other ideas? If nothing else, I hope this offers a view of 
how a newbie might attempt to figure out how to read the FarmSecurity page.

--Jon Haupt
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