[pmwiki-users] Links to files on a network share not working inboth IE and Firefox

Crisp, Steve [UK] SCRISP at ngms.eu.com
Sun Jul 31 14:10:55 CDT 2005

Thanks for your reply.  To answer your question, no it does not load if I enter it in the URL - this is the problem.  What works in Mozilla/Firefox is "file:///machine_name/directory_path/myfile.doc <file:///machine_name/directory_path/myfile.doc> " i.e. three slashes then the path.
I agree this is strictly not a problem with pmwiki however pmwiki's strongest point is it's support for multiple browsers.  To do this it has to present html/css et. al. in different ways to make things work so well.
I wonder if someone much cleverer than me can work out how to support what I would have thought would be a much used facility.


From: Christophe David [mailto:pmwiki at christophedavid.org]
Sent: Sat 30/07/2005 20:52
To: pmwiki-users at pmichaud.com
Cc: Crisp, Steve [UK]
Subject: Re: [pmwiki-users] Links to files on a network share not working inboth IE and Firefox

> Using FireFox or Mozilla (same thing) this page resolves to be "
> file:///\\machine_name\directory_path\myfile.doc" and things do not work.

When you type file:\\machine_name\directory_path\myfile.doc in the address
bar of Firefox, does it load properly ?

It might have nothing to do with PmWiki but with the way Firefox handles
UNC's instead...


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