[pmwiki-users] creating pages

Knut Alboldt pmwiki at alboldt.de
Thu Feb 24 16:07:28 CST 2005

Patrick R. Michaud schrieb:
> On Wed, Feb 23, 2005 at 08:30:38PM +0100, Knut Alboldt wrote:
>>Patrick R. Michaud schrieb:
>>>On Wed, Feb 23, 2005 at 11:40:06AM +0100, Knut Alboldt wrote:
>>>>Is there a possibility to create a page by clicking a link, e.g.
>>>>When clicking on that link I want to create a new page in wiki without 
>>>>any further user interaction (e.g. edit-screen)
>>It's just an idea to collect a snapshot of data from outside wiki (using 
>>php-code in the markup) at a certain time the user specifies (by 
>>clicking the link, e.g. apache access log display, calendar lists, data 
>>dumps etc. In a further step I'd like to use this by an own cron-driven 
>>agent to trigger that via http-request.
> Are you interested in saving the snapshot of the data at all?  If not,
> it sounds like what you want is your own HandleXYZ() function, instead
> of trying to "save/edit" a wiki page.
> The basics for creating a custom ?action=xyz are:
> 1.  Write a function (normally called HandleXyz()) to be called.
>     The standard template for such functions is:
>     function HandleXyz($pagename) {
>       global $HandleXyzFmt, $PageStartFmt, $PageEndFmt;
>       SDV($HandleXyzFmt, 
>         array(&$PageStartFmt, 'function:my_output_fn', &$PageEndFmt));
>       PrintFmt($pagename, $HandleXyzFmt);
>     }
>     When called, this function will output the standard page template
>     (everything before <!--PageText-->), the output from my_output_fn,
>     then the rest of the page template.  It allows the output to be
>     customized in $HandleXyzFmt.
> 2.  Link the function to ?action=xyz with the following:
>     $HandleActions['xyz'] = 'HandleXyz';
> 3.  Write my_output_fn() to do whatever custom output you want to
>     have performed.
> If you really did intend that ?action=newpage would actually save new
> content into a page, let me know and I'll give you the sequence for
> that.  :-)

did I understand it right ? so 1. to 3. is using pmwiki as an "output 
formatter" for data containing pmwiki-tags ? good idea ! sounds very 
interesting too, but I originally wanted to save the captured output, so 
it would be nice if you would give me that code.


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