[pmwiki-users] New pmWiki User Questions...:)
Grorge J. De Bruin
gdb at soundchasers.com
Thu Feb 10 14:27:52 CST 2005
I've recently converted my site from a big,
clunky, CMS Portal system,
into the lean, mean world of pmWiki. This move
was inspired by
looking at the 2.0 implementation of pmWiki, and
by seeing that the
LyX group had chosen to use pmWiki on lyx.org.
So, I have some
semi-newb-ish quiestions, however I'll introduce
them to the list one
at a time... My first burning question is this: is
there a way to get
the rss feeds to include the (:title :) directive
instead of the
actual page name? As I've set up my site, I am
keeping my blog in a
group of dated pages: blog.200501010000 (for
example), and in the
page I set the (:title :) directive to the title
of the entry. Works
great for people viewing my site...but when it
comes to scanning the
rss feed it's less than ideal. // George
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