[pmwiki-users] sample blocklist for blocklist2

Crisses crisses at kinhost.org
Sun Aug 14 07:04:38 CDT 2005

On Aug 11, 2005, at 11:41 AM, Neil Herber wrote:

> On my wikis I block entire IP ranges and URL fragments. I don't  
> bother too much about individual words, other than those that are  
> common swear words, and I only include them to prevent foul  
> language posts.
> Neil

I catch a bunch of new-spammers on only ONE criteria, often a drug  
name.  Hence the long word-related blocklist.  Then I occasionally  
run a bunch of emails with low blocklist scores (after checking them  
for legit postings) through applescripts and blocklist filters to  
pull out the domain names these jokers have and add THOSE to the  
blocklist, along with some IPs that come up often, and that stops  
them from getting wise on the fact that they were only blocked by one  

My blocklist also lets the poster know WHY they were blocked, on the  
theory that the majority of spammers are using scripts that don't  
understand the criteria feedback, but my users can email me if  
there's something being blocked that should be allowed through.

Language is inadequate to speak to souls...it's like struggling with  
incompetent tools when *everything* of *REAL* importance is at  
stake.  Bodies, possessions, money, time...those are transient and  
inconsequential.  What really REALLY matters is that you touch  
people, in frank, deep, honest ways that help them learn and grow,  
and that you nurture them and that you convey to people that they are  
real, independent, thinking, loving, feeling and PRECIOUS beings.   
Doing that makes you immortal, doing that feeds the immortal part of  
you; it's like bringing a slice of "heaven" to earth.

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