[pmwiki-users] Solution converting ISO-8859-1 wikifiles to UTF-8

Radu radu at monicsoft.net
Sat Apr 16 12:06:07 CDT 2005

Grrrr, pressed Send by mistake :( This is an edited version of the previous 
message. My apologies.

At 12:06 PM 4/16/2005, Pm wrote:
>Well, PHP often comes with the iconv() function, so we could potentially
>use that.

Um. My local windoze version of php 4.3.10 doesn't have it compiled. I 
don't think it's in the default distribution. And I've no idea if zend's 
interface to the dll is faster than the OS's using the gnu libs. But hey, 
for a recipe, these problems can be solved or are irrelevant, cos the 
conversion is liable to be ran offline anyway.

>Given the number of recent requests for "how do I do operation XYZ on a
>large set of pages", I'm thinking we need a recipe or core support for

O. yea. I was looking at ways to merge subsequent changes from the same 
author into a more compact entry, for all but the last author on each page. 
Core support might be just hooks, like a ?action=batch to call a 
user-defined function that somehow gets a bit plainer access to various 
innards of the file format.

Great idea, Pm!!


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