[Pmwiki-users] Re: MulitLanguage
Knut Alboldt
Sat Nov 6 11:07:25 CST 2004
At 16:03 06.11.2004, you wrote:
>So noone knows anything about that? :-(
>Raul 'Graphity' Pinto wrote:
>>Sure, everything I know you can find at the following links:
>>http://www.pmwiki.org/wiki/Development/MultiLanguage and
>>It's under the xtra Development Chapter of the pmwiki-HP
well, again (see my mail form 31. Okt) , do you
1) want to put sections of several languages into one wiki-page and then
display the one the user chooses ?
Or do you
2) mean the global translation of the standard wiki-texts in another language ?
to 1)
if you're using pmwiki v2, you could do this by using the if-markup. You
have to define a IF-condition that matches the user's language (could be
either set by url-parameter and or cookie e.g. lang=fr or maybe by some
information you can get from the browser (have to look for some browser's
var passed to the server)). Then you can compose your page like that:
(:if userlang en)
here goes the english text
(:if userlang fr:)
here goes frensh text
(:if userlang de:)
here goes german text
to 2)
just use XLPages of the different languages. The language again could be
determined in the way described above.
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