[Pmwiki-users] Wikifarm files not accessible.
John Rankin
Mon Mar 22 14:46:24 CST 2004
On Monday, 22 March 2004 9:18 PM, Priit Laes <amd at tt.ee> wrote:
>I'm trying to set up a multilingual (Estonian and English) website,
>which is managed with PmWiki. As I saw that you guys have been
>developing WikiFarm, I thought I would give it a try. Unfortunately the
>files on the http://www.cyg.net.nz/farm/ are not accessible.
Well it's still heavily under development and changing radically -- but
is working well and starting to stabilise. So bear with us please. The
site shows a working farm, but not all features are there yet.
>Has anyone managed to set up a multilingual Wiki using PmWiki? My plan
>is to add two fields - en and et. Any ideas if this will work? Or does
>anyone have idea for better implementation?
This is indeed one of the applications we had in mind. You would be
able to have field-specific config files so could, for example, use
different character sets for each language, if needed. And use the
existing pmwiki internationalisation features to control the language
of the interface.
>Thanks in advance!
>Priit Laes <amd tt ee>
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John Rankin
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