[Pmwiki-users] X-Include.php Fixed
Steven Leite
Mon Mar 22 10:00:44 CST 2004
The problem with X-Include was not a bug, It was documented in the script that using it would break PmWiki's ability to automatically create hyperlinks from text that contains "http:// ....".
The problem is/was that PmWiki makes this replacement AFTER the script is called, so there wasn't much I could do about it. PmWiki was altering the scipts (valid) output, after the fact.
I have found a work-around however. It involves purposely disguising the output as h_t_t_p instead of http temporarily .. this way PmWiki doesn't bother with it. The disguised text is then changed back to it's natural "http" form AFTER PmWiki does the regular replacements.
So everything seems to be working ok now.
For those that had difficulties earlier, give it another try and let me know how you like it.
I also improved it a bit more by allowing you to set some default values (see the script), and also you can use a short-cut now. For example, [[x-include http://www.yahoo.com]] works the same as [[x-include url=http://www.yahoo.com]].
Steven Leite
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