[Pmwiki-users] PmWikiDataStore - Using a class for page file i/o.
Greg Morgan
Mon Mar 22 00:30:44 CST 2004
Patrick R. Michaud wrote:
>On Sun, Mar 21, 2004 at 09:17:17PM -0800, Greg Morgan wrote:
>> [1]http://www.pmichaud.com/wiki/Development/PmWikiDataStore
>> I've just finished a patch for PmWiki that I was hoping to get
>> included in the next release.
>More comments--
>I probably sent my previous message a bit prematurely and need to
>think about the overall approach a bit more before rejecting the OO
>approach outright. However, one other item that probably needs to be
>considered in changing PmWiki's storage model is that it should be possible
>for a single site to access pages from a variety of storage
>mechanisms and not be restricted to a single medium. For example,
>a site could use an SQL backend for some pages but still
>seamlessly access the pages that are stored as files in wiki.d,
>wikilib.d, and other custom directories that may have created.
>This makes it much easier to convert a site from one storage medium
>to another without having to do a lot of page conversions.
That was pretty much my goal in doing this.
>My expectation has been that $WikiDir and $WikiLibDirs could grow
>smarter to allow someone to specify places other than file directories
>to look; i.e., one could do something like:
> $WikiDir = 'sql:PmWikiTable';
> $WikiLibDirs = array(&$WikiDir,'wikilib.d');
>and the existing ReadPage/WritePage would call other user-supplied
>functions based on the string type. On the other hand, taking
>an OO-based model we could potentially do something like:
> $WikiDir = new FBStore('wiki.d');
> $WikiLibDirs = array(&$WikiDir,new FBStore('wikilib.d');
>with ReadPage(), WritePage(), etc., calling methods of $WikiDir and
>$WikiLibDirs. Then, when an SQL-based model is available, one can do:
> $WikiDir = new SQLStore('PmWikiTable');
> $WikiLibDirs =
> array($&WikiDir,new FBStore('wiki.d'),new FBStore('wikilib.d'));
>and all of the sites existing pages in wiki.d continue to work with
>new edits being stored in the SQL table.
>This is also important so that people will continue to be able to
>get the latest pages from wikilib.d/ when upgrading, and so we
>won't need lots of admin scripts/functions to import/export pages
>between formats.
This sort of thing is exactly why I went with the OO approach. However
I was reluctant to change what was stored in $WikiDir or $WikiLibDirs,
since that might break existing code. Instead creating the
$WikiDataStore global variable to contain the currently used data store
In practice how things would probably look like is this
*WikiDataStore *- This is an abstract class which has all of the need
methods to read/write and find which pages a datastore has.
Once PmWiki starts up the global variable $WikiDataStore is assigned an
object that descends from the WikiDataStore class. $WikiDataStore is
the object used by PmWiki for all page i/o.
*filebasedwikidatastore *- This class descends from WikiDataStore. It
implements all of the methods in WikiDataStore. (The code is basically
cut & pasted from your existing ReadPage and WritePage functions)
*SQLDataStore *- (Not written yet) Also descends from WikiDataStore..
Implements the same functions.. but gets it's data from SQL tables...
Even though it's using table, it's important to remember that
SQLDataStore->ReadPage($pagename) still returns an associative array
just like the old fashioned ReadPage.
*DataStoreCollection *- (not written yet) Descends from WikiDataStore.
This object is a little different. It designed to contain one or more
objects that are descended from WikiDataStore. It will have a method
called AddDataStore($datastore). This method gets passed another object
which is also descended from WikiDataStore, like so.
$WikiLibDirs = array(&$WikiDir,'wikilib.d');
$WikiDataStore= new DataStoreCollection();
foreach ($WikiLibDirs as $dir) {
$tmp = new filebasedwikidatastore($dir); #note: my current code
doesn't support the "new filebasedwikidatastore($dir)", but I can fix that.
$tmp = new SQLDataStore('MyDatabase');
When *DataStoreCollection* is ask to read or write to a page. It calls
the ReadPage or WritePage method for each datastore in it's collection
until it's successful.
It's getting late, so I may not be explaining this very well...
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