[Pmwiki-users] Top 10
Greg Morgan
Mon Mar 8 16:44:15 CST 2004
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Pmwiki-users-bounces at pmichaud.com
> [mailto:Pmwiki-users-bounces at pmichaud.com] On Behalf Of J. Meijer
> Sent: Monday, March 08, 2004 1:34 AM
> 1. A new standard for markup that includes alt-text:
> {{PmWiki }}pages
> {{PmWiki pages}}
> {{PmWiki}{our favorite wiki}}
> {{patrick michaud}{PmWiki author}}
> {{www.patrickmichaud.com}{PmWiki author}}
> {{www.company.com}{http://foo.com/logo.png}{discount for
> PmWiki users}}
> {{CompanyPages}{image:mylogo.png}{discount for PmWiki users!}}
> {{www.company.com/myoffice.jpg}{Company Headquarters}}
> {{www.foo.com/images/paypal.jpg width=800}{crime of the century}}
> {{image:nopaypal.jpg}{crime of the century}}
> Most of these braces could be optional.
{{ }} is for free-links. Any new meaning of that markup would be confusing
and would break quite a few existing wikis. (I know it would screw mine up)
Besides to use most of what you want try the [[ ]] markup. i.e.
{{www.patrickmichaud.com}{PmWiki author}} should actually be
[[http://www.patrickmichaud.com PmWiki Author]]
> 2. Default alt-text for images: I detest marking them up
> locally, in each
> page, it would
> be very nice if I could mark them up *once*, i.e. when I do
> the upload,
> and then have the option to override it locally using some
> special markup.
> Something I swear I'll never do!
> 3. The same request for the associated link-target.
It would, however make it very easy for another user to redefine that
default text or link to something else. Effectively changing the entire
site at once.
If you have a couple of images that you always use.. Like a company logo or
a "NEW!" marker, etc. You could define a custom markup using
$InlineReplacements in config.php
> 4. Instead of a [[div class=sara]] syntax, I as a new user
> would expect
> an extension of the ---- horizontal line section separator
> (with nothing
> emitted):
> ---->sara
> some text with sara's markup
> ---->rebecca
> some text with rebecca's markup
> ---->
> some text with the default markup
> I think a new user would be stimulated to put her name :-)
----- creates the <hr /> markup which is used for horizontal lines.
---> is used to indent a section text.
I also think you're confused about what the [[div]] markup is intended for.
It's meant to allow a section of a page to be reformatted via a cascading
style sheet.
> 7. Page-update through an email containing the new page-text, is it
> possible, how??
There's something in the cookbook for that.
> 8. Is there a simple way to run PmWiki locally under Windows? Then
> I could edit my site locally and simply email page-changes.
You can install Apache and PHP on your windows box, however syncronizing
changes between the "development" machine and the "production" machine is
tricky. For now I'm manually tar-ing up and copying the files in wiki.d to
the remote server. Once I finish adding XML-RPC support for pmwiki this may
be easier.
> 9. Why does my browser refuse to view PmWiki pages offline?
Your browser might be reading the HTTP headers which by default say to turn
of caching of these pages.
I think adding this to your local/config.php file might help:
"Expires: Tue, 01 Jan 2002 00:00:00 GMT",
"Last-Modified: ".gmstrftime('%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S GMT'),
"Content-Type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1;");
> 10. And finally: why does the 'daily digest' come in 4x a day?
Because [[Pm]] is on a planet with a much shorter day. ;)
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