[Pmwiki-users] Extending/Replacing PrintText
Greg Morgan
Mon Mar 1 12:52:25 CST 2004
I was wondering if in a future version of PmWiki the PrintText funtion could
be handled in a manner similar manner to HandleEdit, etc.
#add this to PmWiki
$PrintText = 'HandlePrintText';
function HandlePrintText($pagename,$text="") {
#All of the code that is currently in PrintText should go here
function PrintText($pagename,$text="") {
global $PrintText,$Text;
if ($text=="") $text=$Text;
$handle = @$PrintText;
if (function_exists($handle)) $handle($pagename,$text);
else { HandlePrintText($pagename,$text); }
This way cookbook authors can write code like this.
$PrintText = 'MyPrintTextFunc';
function MyPrintTextFunc ($pagename,$text="") {
global $OldPrintText,$Text;
if ($text=="") $text=$Text;
#Do whatever processing I need here.. use the keep function to preserve the
html I generate.
#Call the standard print text function
$handle = @$OldPrintText;
if (function_exists($handle)) $handle($pagename,$text);
else { HandlePrintText($pagename,$text); }
I hope that's somewhat clear... I haven't finished my coffee yet. :)
BTW, now that I'm thinking about it, it would be useful to have ReadPage and
WritePage handled the same way. Eventually I can see the Powers That Be at
my work wanting to move the Wiki to a SQL database.
Let me know what you think.
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