[Pmwiki-users] Hierarchical groups
Steven Leite
Wed Jun 9 11:26:12 CDT 2004
Hi Patrick,
I guess I didn't explain myself clearly, or maybe you just
mis-understood what I said on a couple of points, so I'll clarify below:
----- Original Message -----
From: "Patrick R. Michaud" <pmichaud at pobox.com>
To: "Steven Leite" <steven_leite at kitimat.net>
Cc: "J. Perkins" <jason at sim8.com>; "Pmwiki-users"
<pmwiki-users at pmichaud.com>
Sent: Tuesday, June 08, 2004 9:42 PM
Subject: Re: [Pmwiki-users] Hierarchical groups
> On Wed, Jun 09, 2004 at 08:17:03AM -0700, Steven Leite wrote:
> > [[Teams.WorkingTogether]] would link to
> > [[NFL.Teams.Patriots.Teams.WorkingTogether]]
> I'm assuming you meant it would link to
> NFL.Teams.Patriots.Teams.WorkingTogether
Yes, that's what i meant. :)
> > To correctly point it to NFL.Teams.WorkingTogether, you would enter
> > link as follows: [[../WorkingTogether]]
I should have also included the more (obvious) choice, which would be
Note that ALL of my examples assumed that we are:
> currently on a page called "NFL.Teams.Patriots.Playoffs"
> I think that some authors may have trouble with the '..' syntax if
> they aren't used to dealing with pathnames. I don't know how many
> Windows users ever see '..' used in a path name--it hardly ever shows
> in a file path or a url, and in recent versions of Windows it doesn't
> even show up in file dialog boxes--it's now an "Up" button (arrow) in
> toolbar. So there might be some learning curve and need for
> with this, even though us programmers/powerusers are quite used to it.
That just gave me a great (alternate) idea. The closest thing to match
an "up" arrow, is the carrot (^) .. so we could use the carrot to
represent ../ . To represent multiple ../'s, as in ../../../SomeGroup,
we could make it ^^^SomeGroup. I don't care for this idea much, but I
just thought I'd mention it.
> > [[../../WorkingTogether]] would point to NFL.WorkingTogether, which
> > would be the same as writing [[/WorkingTogether]].
> Huh? I would think that [[/WorkingTogether]] would be WorkingTogether
> at the top level.
Whoops .. you're right. I goofed. What I meant to say is, the slash
preceeding the Group name indicates that it's a top-level group. The
../../WorkingTogether was just an alternate example of how the same
effect could be achieved.
> > [[/WorkingTogether/]] on the other hand, would (should) resolve as
> > WorkingTogether/HomePage (where HomePage is the default page for an
> > arbitrary Group, set in config.php).
The trailing slash indicates that you want to view the default page of
the Group called "WorkingTogether". A simpler example may be comething
like (again, assuming you are
> currently on a page called "NFL.Teams.Patriots.Playoffs")
[[/Main/]] or [[/Main]].
But I think [[/Main]] would be pointing to a page in the DefaultGroup
with a title of "Main", where-as [[/Main/]] Would be pointing to a Group
called "Main" at the top level.
> And I find this very non-intuitive, why is [[/WorkingTogether]] under
> the NFL group while [[/WorkingTogether/]] is its own group?
Sorry if I implied that /WorkingTogether would be under the NFL group.
That's not what I meant. [[/WorkingTogether]] would be a page at the
root level called "WorkingTogether", and [[/WorkingTogether/]] would be
a Group called WorkingTogether.
> follow common filepath conventions at all. Are you saying that the
> *trailing* slash indicates it's at the top level?
Nope. Sorry if I wasn't clear. I think the last few paragraphs clarify
what I meant?
> > Additionally, to specify the default page for the Group
> > Patriots/Washington/ you would write [[/Patriots/Washington/]] or
> > [[/Patriots/Washington/HomePage]] (where HomePage is the default
> > for an arbitrary Group, set in config.php)
> There's that bizarre leading/trailing slash again. To summarize,
> saying that from NFL.Teams.Patriots.Playoffs,
> [[Patriots.Washington]] == NFL.Teams.Patriots.Patriots.Washington
> [[Washington]] == NFL.Teams.Patriots.Washington
> [[../../Patriots.Washington]] == NFL.Patriots.Washington
no, I guess I goofed again.:)
[[../Patriots.Washington]] would == NFL.Teams.Patriots.Washington]], and
[[../../Patriots.Washington]] would == Patriots.Washington (eg root
> [[/Patriots/Washington]] == NFL.Patriots.Washington
no, the slash at the beginning would clearly indicate that its a (root)
Group called Patriots, and a page called Washington.
> [[/Patriots/]] == Patriots.HomePage
Yes, IF we make a presumption that specifying a Group (without
specifying a page) would always result in a page called HomePage
(default page name).
I'm not 100% clear on that because I use the GroupName as my
DefaultPage. Eg. Group1 default page title is Group1. So, specifying
[[Group1/]] would resolve to Group1/Group1.
> But wait, where does [[/Patriots/HomePage]] go? Does it go to
> NFL.Patriots.HomePage, like [[/Patriots/Washington]] goes to
> NFL.Patriots.Washington?
No, sorry again if I was not clear. They would go to
oPatriots/HomePage, and Patriots/Washington respectively. The / in
front would exclude the possiblity for the pages to be in the NFL Group.
> Also, if we went to a filename-path sort of system, I wouldn't think
> ever need "default pages" in groups such as "HomePage", because every
> is already a page.
I don't understand exactly what you mean that "every group is already a
page", unless you are refering to the Default page (eg. HomePage).
You had a few other questions, but they were trying to clarify the
misunderstanding of my syntax, so I won't bother to go in to detail on
those ones. I hope this clear it up a bit.
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