[Pmwiki-users] PmWiki "macros" and [[include:]]

Jesse Jacobsen selnecker
Wed Jun 2 09:06:41 CDT 2004

On 06/02/04, Steven Leite wrote:
> I can think of one way to make "macros" .. using inline replacements.

> I'm not sure if that's close to what you want or not.  It doesn't really
> allow for authors to change/make modifications to the "macro".

That's the problem.  I'm thinking of author-defined macros.

> If you can give some more detailed examples, I might toy around with the
> idea, but I can't make any promises - I'm involved in two other big
> projects right now and I'd like to see those finished before I start a
> new one.

Upon further reflection, I think everything I have in mind could be done
using something like [[include:name#startanchor#wikichunkdelim]], which
would include text from start to an "end include" marker, like
[[endinclude]] or [[wikichunkdelim]].  It would keep the macros in
author space, and allow authors to include many items from a single
page.  The included wikimarkup and text could be arbitrarily long, and
composed of just about anything.  Meanwhile, the macro source page could
be quite readable, having text outside the
[[#startanchor]]..[[wikichunkdelim]] sections.

This seems easier to implement than an entirely new way to define
macros.  It might involve quite a few includes on a page, with many of
them identical.  Perhaps it could be optimized.

Best Regards,

Jesse Jacobsen

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