[Pmwiki-users] Searching for information about PmWiki
Christian Ridderström
Sun Jan 18 04:56:46 CST 2004
On Sun, 18 Jan 2004, bram brambring (zonnet) wrote:
> Hi,
> what about using site:www.pmichaud.com as part of your google query:
> http://www.google.com/search?num=20&hl=en&lr=&ie=UTF-8&oe=utf-8&q=mailposts+
> pmwiki+site%3Awww.pmichaud.com+-action
> I exclude the keyword action as well, I wrote an mail earlier about the
> robot and action stuff.
> Or did I completely mis the point?
Sort of... if I only wanted information from the pmwiki pages at
pmichaud.com, I'd probably just use the pmwiki search page. Here I was
really looking for *additional* information about mailposts. One place
where I could expect to find informatino would be the mailing list :-),
> I modified my robots.txt to exclude the pmwiki documents:
> DisAllow: /wiki/PmWiki
Nice tip! Oh... wait, rats... then the local additions I've made to the
PmWiki group won't be found be others...
Right now I'm using this code to preven robots from some places:
if($action and $action!='browse' )
$HTMLTitleFmt = array ("<title>\$Titlespaced</title>",
"<META CONTENT=\"$robots\" NAME=\"robots\">");
It just need to somehow check if the source of the page comes from
and if it does, then use $robots="noindex,nofollow";
> bram
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Pmwiki-users-bounces at pmichaud.com
> [mailto:Pmwiki-users-bounces at pmichaud.com]On Behalf Of Christian
> Ridderstr?m
> Sent: Sunday, January 18, 2004 11:24
> To: Pmwiki-users at pmichaud.com
> Subject: [Pmwiki-users] Searching for information about PmWiki
> Hi
> I was just trying to find information about something in PmWiki (rather
> than directly ask on the mail list). The problem was that since the words
> I searched for appears on one page in the group PmWiki, I get a *lot* of
> identical hits...
> In this case, I'd already read the relevant page (PmWiki/MailPosts), does
> anyone have any idea how to get around this?
> One thought is to by default forbid search robots from indexing the
> standard pages in the PmWiki group (preferably only pages stored in
> wikilib.d, so that locally modified pages - or new pages - will still be
> indexed).
> /Christian
> PS. Here's the search I tried:
> http://www.google.com/search?q=mailposts+pmwiki&btnG=Google+Search&hl=en&lr=
> &ie=UTF-8&oe=utf-8
> and here are some other searches.. maybe they'll inspire someone:
> N:o hits Searching for: Comment:
> 2340 mailposts pmwiki Plain search
> 378 mailposts pmwiki -action= Remove cruft
> 200 mailposts pmwiki -action= -"PmWiki.MailPosts" (1)
> (1) This might be overly restrictive, since any page referring to
> PmWiki.MailPosts will be discarded.
> --
> Dr. Christian Ridderstr?m, +46-8-768 39 44 http://www.md.kth.se/~chr
> --
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> Pmwiki-users at pmichaud.com
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Dr. Christian Ridderstr?m, +46-8-768 39 44 http://www.md.kth.se/~chr
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