[Pmwiki-users] Suggestions for [[<<]] replacement.
Christian Ridderström
Wed Jan 14 08:10:06 CST 2004
On Wed, 7 Jan 2004, Patrick R. Michaud wrote:
> On Mon, Jan 05, 2004 at 04:30:41AM +0100, Christian Ridderstr?m wrote:
> > It's probably a good idea to look at how [[<<]] is used today. I did a
> > simple check on how often it is used in 'my' site:
> > wiki.d$ ls -1 | wc --lines
> > 393
> > wiki.d$ grep -l '\[\[<<]]' * | wc --lines
> > 98
> > where it's used in roughly 25% of the pages. However, the files aren't in
> > raw form... is there a way I could 'unscramble' them?
> Sure, use grep(1) and take out only the lines that begin with "text=".
> E.g., something like:
> grep '^text=' * | grep -l '\[\[<<]]' | wc --lines
> or, to avoid the extra grep:
> grep '^test=.*\[\[<<]]' * | wc --lines
> Pm
Thanks. How can I extract the text with line breaks etc?
(not using ?action=source, but through raw access to the file).
I've also attached a small utility I wrote in Emacs lisp for checking the
n:o occurences of different kinds of markup.
A simple way to use it is as follows:
emacs -l count-markup.el --eval '(count-markup "~/pmwiki/wiki.d/")'
assuming your pmwiki-directory is '~/pmwiki' (i.e. the pages are stored in
files in the directories '~/pmwiki/wiki.d/' and '~/pmwiki/wikilib.d/')
The result of running thsi script for wiki.lyx.org looks like this:
The contents of the pmwiki-pages are in *pmwiki-pages*.
Page data was loaded from
The total n:o of pages is 466
String Occ. Actual regexp
'@@' 1896 '@@'
'[[' 2044 '\[\['
'@@[' 297 '@@\['
'@@[=' 240 '@@\[='
'@@[-' 41 '@@\[-'
'@@[[' 15 '@@\[\['
and it's easy to have it check for other regexps.
Dr. Christian Ridderstr?m, +46-8-768 39 44 http://www.md.kth.se/~chr
-------------- next part --------------
;; Instructions:
;; Alternative 1:
;; 1) Modify the function `insert-number-of-matches' below to print the
;; statistics you are interested in.
;; 2) Do 'M-x load-file' on this file (if you haven't before)
;; 3) Run 'M-x load-pmwiki-pages' to setup a buffer with all pmwiki pages
;; 4) Run 'M-x insert-markup-count' to create table with n:o matches.
;; The table will be inserted in the current buffer.
;; Alternative 2:
;; - Run 'M-x load-file' on this file.
;; - Run 'M-x count-markup' to do step 3 and 4 of alt. 1 in one go.
;; Alternative 3:
;; Start emacs with the follwing command-line:
;; emacs -l count-markup.el \
;; --eval '(count-markup "~/pmwiki")'
(defun load-pmwiki-pages (dir)
"Load all data of all pmwiki-pages into a buffer, where the
name of the buffer will be stored in `pmwiki-pages-buffer'."
(interactive "DDirectory of pmwiki-pages [Ex: /home/chr/pmwiki] ")
(set 'pmwiki-pages-buffer (generate-new-buffer "*pmwiki-pages*"))
(set 'pmwiki-directory dir)
(let ((cur-buf (current-buffer)))
(set-buffer pmwiki-pages-buffer)
(insert (shell-command-to-string
(concat "grep '^text=' " dir "/wiki.d/*")))
(insert (shell-command-to-string
(concat "grep '^text=' " dir "/wikilib.d/*")))
(goto-char (point-min))
(set 'pmwiki-page-count (count-lines (point-min) (point-max)))
(set-buffer cur-buf)))
(defun count-matches-in-pmwiki-pages (re)
"Return the n:o matches of the regular expression RE
in the buffer specified by `pmwiki-pages-buffer'"
(set-buffer pmwiki-pages-buffer)
(goto-char (point-min))
(string-to-number (how-many re))))
(defun insert-number-of-matches-of-regexp (re)
"Count and insert the n:o of matches to RE
in the buffer specified by `pmwiki-pages-buffer'"
(interactive "sRegular expression:")
(let ((fmt "%-15s %-5d '%s'\n"))
(insert (format fmt
(format "'%s'" (replace-regexp-in-string "\\\\" "" re))
(count-matches-in-pmwiki-pages re)
;(set 'pmwiki-pages-buffer (extract-pmwiki-pages))
;(message (format "Data from the pmwiki-pages are in %s" pmwiki-pages-buffer))
(set 'pmwiki-markup-regexps
'("@@" "\\[\\["
"@@\\[" "@@\\[=" "@@\\[-" "@@\\[\\["))
(defun insert-markup-count ()
"Show statistics for regular expressions in `pmwiki-markup-regexps'"
(insert (format "\nThe contents of the pmwiki-pages are in %s.\n"
(insert (format
"Page data was loaded from\n\t%s/wiki.d\nand\n\t%s/wikilib.d\n\n"
pmwiki-directory pmwiki-directory))
(insert (format "The total n:o of pages is %d\n\n" pmwiki-page-count))
(insert "String Occ. Actual regexp\n")
(dolist (re pmwiki-markup-regexps) (insert-number-of-matches-of-regexp re))
(defun count-markup (dir)
"Load all data of all pmwiki-pages into a buffer, where the
name of the buffer will be stored in `pmwiki-pages-buffer'.
Once the pmwiki-pages have been loaded, run `insert-number-matches'."
(interactive "DDirectory of pmwiki-pages [Ex: /home/chr/pmwiki/wiki.d] ")
(load-pmwiki-pages dir)
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