[Pmwiki-users] Re: Multiple questions

Christian Ridderström chr
Tue Feb 24 13:27:46 CST 2004

On Tue, 24 Feb 2004, Patrick R. Michaud wrote:

> > Q2. Is it possible to link to a document attached to a different group? 
> > I.E. in Group1 "Attach:Group2/MyDocument.pdf".  I tried that and it gives a
> > link to Group2 with /MyDocument.pdf as trailing text.
> It's not a feature as yet but could be added.  I hadn't come up with a
> good/reliable syntax for grabbing pages from other groups.  However, 
> Christian Ridderstr?m's extensions to the Upload capabilities may be 
> able to do the trick or already provided a solution to this problem.

Yes, see Cookbook/UploadExtended but note that there may be security risk. 
E.g. since you can do an Attach:... to any file from any page, there is no 
longer a containment between groups.

> However, it would be possible to create a local customization such 
> that
>    Attach:"File Name with spaces.doc" and
>    [[Attach:"File Name with spaces.doc" Text I want do display]]
> both work.

Hmm.. if you (Dave) thinks that solution sounds good, add it to the page
Cookbook/UploadExtended as a feature request or something, and I'll see if 
I can't implement it when I have time.


Christian Ridderstr?m                           http://www.md.kth.se/~chr

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