[Pmwiki-users] Re: Mail interface for adding to pages (was Action or form a new page)
Patrick R. Michaud
Thu Feb 5 17:16:02 CST 2004
On Thu, Feb 05, 2004 at 10:27:41PM +0100, Christian Ridderstr?m wrote:
> On Thu, 5 Feb 2004, Patrick R. Michaud wrote:
> > Also, I can request things to be posted to wiki pages as I'm composing
> > my responses to the message, and just 'bcc' the wiki-post address before
> > replying.
> We need to figure out what to do with duplicates... for instance, if you
> post this to the list and do CC (not bcc) to WikiEngine at pmichaud.com:
> > [[append:Development.MailGateway]]
> > > [...]
> > [[append:]]
> then if someone happens to do a 'reply all', we might get a duplicate
> posting (well, not exacply duplicate since it'll have an extra '> ' in
> front). Is this why you wanted to use 'bcc'?
Yup, it's why I wanted to do 'bcc', so it won't appear in the reply address,
also I was going to have the mail software completely ignore any
directives that have been quoted-- i.e., the directive has to be at
the beginning of the line to be processed.
> > Also, everyone on the list can see that this text was posted.
> It'd be nice if the people on the list can "see" that you've also sent it
> to the gateway, instead of just inferring it from the use of this markup.
> Or is this not necessary?
I think inferring it from the markup is sufficient. Another approach
is to have the gateway set up as a moderated listserv, so that postings
to the wiki can be viewed/approved by a moderator before they are processed.
And the moderated listserv can be configured to accept postings from
some addresses without moderation.
> I can't remember if this already has been said, but the 'wiki mail
> gateway' (?) (or 'wiki gateway' for short), will send a reply with
> information about the result, right?
Yes, I believe it should do that by default, unless there's a "noreply"
directive or something. :-)
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