[Pmwiki-users] Re: Possibly alternatives for "--username" markup

Christian Ridderström chr
Tue Feb 3 14:26:28 CST 2004

On Tue, 3 Feb 2004, Steven Leite wrote:

> We should not impose any further markup for wiki users (Authors) if we don't
> have to.  We are only increasing the complexity of the software
> unecessarily, and making it more difficult for Authors to USE the software.

I could see how '--Username' might constrain a user (i.e. cause 
unexpected/unwanted signature links), but not why [[--UserName]] would. 
Now, if there's no conflict and the user still can write
I don't think this would impose on him.

> There are already conventions in place for creating links to pages ...
> WikiWords, or {{Free Links}}.  I strongly suggest we stick to this familiar
> syntax for the creation of links to Author's.

The "problem" with the normal syntax is that:
 * It's longer to write (esp. compared to --Username)
 * Writing '-- Username' is a common way to signature a plain text message.
 * If you want to achieve a special style for the signature, each 
   signature will need it's own extra markup.

> In the edit page where the form asks the user/author to enter his/her name,
> they simply enter their name using one of the already familiar linking
> procedures, either a WikiWord or a {{FreeLink}}.  That would then be
> interpreted accordingly.

But then you'd always get a signature? Or am I missing something?


> It seems so simple to me.  Am I missing something?

Christian Ridderstr?m                           http://www.md.kth.se/~chr

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