[Pmwiki-users] Recent wiki posts mail?

Patrick R. Michaud pmichaud
Tue Apr 13 08:01:45 CDT 2004

On Tue, Apr 13, 2004 at 01:17:43PM +0200, Thomas -Balu- Walter wrote:
> I just got a mail stating that someone updated my webpage:
> Recent wiki posts:
>   (http://www.b-a-l-u.de/index.php/Main/AllRecentChanges)
> * Main.SideBar . . . 2004-04-13 12:48 by
> but if I look at the AllRecentChanges or at the revisions of the SideBar
> I can not find any changes?
> Any idea what can cause this?

mailposts.php is somewhat imprecise--if someone requests to edit/save a 
page but doesn't actually make any changes to the page, mailposts still 
records it as a save but the routine that actually does the save sees
that no changes were made and so it doesn't actually store the empty

I may fix this in a future version but it's been pretty low priority for me.


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