[pmwiki] Re: [Pmwiki-users] Whitepaper about markup strategy

Patrick R. Michaud pmichaud at pobox.com
Sat May 17 07:40:56 CDT 2003

On Sat, May 17, 2003 at 12:38:52AM -0500, Thomas Tyler wrote:
> Just a thought... PmWiki already has established single-bracket use for
> inline text formatting with [+...+] and [-...-]. What about extending it
> with
> [* bold text *]
> [/ italic text /]
> [*/ bold italic /*] or [/* bold italic */]
> [_ underlinded text _]
> And as long as the [[<<]] markup is being discussed, how about [=] ? It's at
> least fewer characters, and they're close together on the keyboard.  :)

If you want these, add the following to local.php:

$InlineReplacements['/\\[\\*(.*?)\\*\\]/'] = "<strong>\$1</strong>";
$InlineReplacements['/\\[\\/(.*?)\\/\\]/'] = "<em>\$1</em>";
$InlineReplacements['/\\[\\*\\/(.*?)\\/\\*\\]/'] = 
$InlineReplacements['/\\[_(.*)_\\]/'] = "<u>\$1</u>";
$InlineReplacements['/\\[=\\]/'] = "<br>";

I've been wanting to come up with a section of the pmichaud.com site
where people can contribute customizations like these, but I think it
should be separate from the PmWiki group and I haven't figured out
what to call it.  Anyone have any suggestions?  O'Reilly would call
them "Hacks", others would use "Recipes", etc.  I just haven't found
the right name for the group yet.  :-|

The hardest part of any aspect of computers is figuring out what to
name things.  It's like naming your children--you know that you're
pretty much stuck with whatever you choose.


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