[Pmwiki-users] Valid XHTML generation

Patrick R. Michaud pmichaud at pobox.com
Wed Jun 4 03:06:22 CDT 2003

On Tue, Jun 03, 2003 at 11:33:41PM -0400, Kirill Lapshin wrote:
> Hi All,
> I just started using PmWiki, and like it quite a lot. One annoying 
> thing though is that the html it generates is nowhere near valid xhtml. 
> P, BR, IMG, LI tags are never closed, the document structure is not 
> valid, etc.
> I tried to hack pmwiki.php, but it appears to be much harder then I thought.
> Is there any plans on improving quality of generated pages?

I'm definitely aiming towards xhtml compatibility.  pmwiki-0.5.beta1
fixes the problems with the uppercase tag names (xhtml tags are always
lower case).  Getting the <p> and <li> tags to close properly may
be a bit tricky, as you've already surmised, but I'm willing to work
on it.  Fixing the <br> and <img> tags ought to be fairly simple.

Are there any other issues I should know about?  Also, do all browsers
understand XHTML?  I know that didn't used to be the case, and I don't 
want to switch everything to use XHTML only to discover that it causes
some browsers to no longer be able to display PmWiki documents.  

> Another problem I've encountered is that due to apache configuration 
> my hosting has I can't use regular authentication model. I've seen on 
> this list discussion on implementing alternative method -- via dialog 
> and cookies. Is it something on the todo list?

Yup, it's on the todo list, but so far it's been a somewhat low
priority because I've only heard of a couple of instances where it's
needed.  As I hear more requests for it I'll continue to bump it up in 


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