[Pmwiki-users] discussion on line breaks

John Rankin john.rankin
Wed Jul 16 16:02:58 CDT 2003

Another idea is to introduce a new markup, say [/.../], that has the
sole purpose of grouping multiple lines together into a single line
for block-level formatting purposes but continuing to honor embedded
markup.  For example, the markup text

    # This is item 1
    # [/This is item #2 with
    item text that
    contain line breaks, italics, bold, links,

    and paragraph breaks and still be 
    within the same item./]
    # This is item 3

could then render as

    1. This is item 1
    2. This is item #2 with
       item text that
       contain line breaks, italics, bold, links,

       and paragraph breaks and still be 
       within the same item.
    3. This is item 3

This works for me. It preserves backward compatibility and consistency with other wikis. It invites the author to be explicit. However, I can see that a poetry author would prefer to write:

  each line
  as it comes to mind
  without worrying about markup


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