[pmwiki-devel] $UploadNameChars - adding unicode characters

Simon nzskiwi at gmail.com
Mon Jul 29 01:38:51 PDT 2019


>From the page
The set of characters allowed in upload names. Defaults to "-\w. ", which
means alphanumerics, hyphens, underscores, dots, and spaces can be used in
upload names, and everything else will be stripped.$UploadNameChars
<https://pmwiki.org/wiki/PmWiki/UploadVariables#UploadNameChars> = "-\\w.
!"; # allow dash, letters, digits, dots, spaces and exclamations
<https://pmwiki.org/wiki/PmWiki/UploadVariables#UploadNameChars> = "-\\w.
\\x80-\\xff"; # allow Unicode
Isn't \\x80-\\xff  just extended ASCII?

I'm trying to do this with no effect

  $UploadNameChars = "-\\w. !=\\+#\\x{014C}\\x{014D}"; # allow
exclamations, equals, plus, and hash Ōō

any advice appreciated


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