[pmwiki-devel] How to create a GUIEdit button using Javascript
Petko Yotov
5ko at 5ko.fr
Fri Sep 19 18:38:53 CDT 2014
See the page http://www.pmwiki.org/wiki/Test/GUIButtons?action=edit and
the last button there "Test JS".
You can insert any HTML in the GUI Edit toolbar. If the fourth element
of the array starts with "<", it is inserted as-is, without relying on
the function insButton().
So, we define the button in a local config file:
$GUIButtons['test-js'] = array(5000, '', '', 'Test-JS',
"<input type='button' name='b1' value='Test JS' onclick='MyFunc()'
instead of "<input..." you can have "<img
src='$GUIButtonDirUrlFmt/mybuttonicon.png' title='DoXYZ'
onclick='MyFunc()'/>" . The onclick part is important, when a user
clicks on the button, it will fire your custom function.
Your custom function can be defined in a javascript included by the
skin, or even in the same config file:
$HTMLFooterFmt['test-js'] = <<<EOF
<script type="text/javascript">
function MyFunc(){
var r = Math.round(Math.random()*1000);
"{(mymarkupexpression "+r+" \\"",
"\\")}\\nThe above number is "+r+"\\n",
"Default text if none selected");
This custom function creates a random number between 0 and 1000, then
calls insMarkup() with the constructed strings to be inserted at the
position of the cursor.
Hope this helps.
On 19.09.2014 08:31, Randy Brown wrote:
> I would appreciate help from someone who knows Javascript (which I
> don't).
> I'm creating a GUIEdit button that adds a markup expression containing
> a random number and text containing the same number.
> If I select in my edit form:
> My text
> and then click my guiedit button, I want a result like this:
> {(mymarkupexpression 2 "My text")}
> The above number is 2
> Here's approximately what I've written to do this. Unfortunately, what
> I wrote uses the same number for each page load rather than for each
> button click. I want the number to change with each button click:
> $num = rand ( 1, 1000 );
> SDVA($GUIButtons, array(
> 'mybutton' => array(8000, "{(mymarkupexpression ".$num." "",
> "")}\nThe above number is ".$num."\n [1]", '$[Default text if
> none selected]',
> '$GUIButtonDirUrlFmt/mybuttonicon.png"$[DoXYZ]"','')
> ));
> $HTMLHeaderFmt['DoXYZ']= <<<EOF
> <script type='text/javascript'><!--
> function DoXYZ() {
> return;
> }
> //--></script>
> EOF;
> Thanks,
> Randy
> Links:
> ------
> [1] smb://n
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