[pmwiki-devel] pmwiki.css

Petko Yotov 5ko at 5ko.fr
Sat Jan 4 16:33:20 CST 2014

Simon writes:
> PmWiki.css specifies font-size in a number of ways, e.g.
> font-size:11pt;
> font-size:0.9em;
> font-size:100%;
> font-size:1em;
> font-size:85%;
> font-size:9.4pt;
> font-size:1.6em;
> It seems to me we should revisit this with a view to using one way  
> throughout, and supporting responsive design.

Note that always 1em = 100%, 0.9em = 90% etc. that is related to the font  
size of the parent HTML node.

The "points" are indeed absolute units with a fixed size (1pt = 1/72 of an  
inch) but modern browsers don't enforce them for text sizes if a visitor  
resizes the text with Ctrl+Scroll or Ctrl+Plus.

Anyways, as browsers all seem to imply that 12pt=100% for a base page, I  
changed the 3 occurences I found to percents:

body: 11pt = 11/12 = 91.667%
sidebar: 9.4pt = 9.4/11 = 85.45%
%sidehead%: 11pt = 11/9.4 = 117%

With the browsers I have the page looks exactly the same as before, pixel  
for pixel.

If there is a better way to do it (without disturbing existing wikis much),  
please share it.


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