[pmwiki-devel] OT: svn on cookbook/
pmwiki at solidgone.com
Mon Jun 14 18:56:31 CDT 2010
On 6/14/2010 3:49 AM, Peter Bowers wrote:
> I set up my development environment with svn as my versioning tool,
> using Tortoise svn as my client on windows. Obviously all the pmwiki
> scripts I'm working on are in the cookbook directory. Thus pmwiki,
> pmwiki/scripts, etc all use the repository at pmwiki.org while
> pmwiki/cookbook uses the repository on my local server here. This
> works great on updates to my cookbook directory.
> However, whenever I want to do an update of pmwiki itself I get the
> error that cookbook directory is part of another repository -- this
> fails the whole update process. My solution is to temporarily move
> the cookbook directory into \tmp\cookbook, do the update of pmwiki,
> and then move the cookbook directory back into place. But this seems
> unnecessarily headachey...
> Does anybody have a better solution? I tried using the svn:ignore
> property on cookbook but unsuccessfully (could have been an error in
> the way I used it...?)
I'm not sure it's possible to do an ignore on a part of a directory
that's pulled from a remote repository. I've only seen ignore used to
ignore files you're pushing to a repository, rather than pulling.
How I'd approach this is to have a directory pmwiki/ which pulls pmwiki
SVN repository. Another directory pmwiki-dev/, which contains a cookbook
directory with the work I'm doing, and which is under SVN. Other
directories in pmwiki-dev/ would be sym-links to pmwiki/ -- so sym-link
to pmwiki/scripts, pmwiki/pmwiki.php, maybe pmwiki/wikilib.d.
That way there is no overlap between the directories under svn control.
If you're on windows XP, you can create sym links using Junction Link
Magic (http://www.rekenwonder.com/linkmagic.htm) which is a front-end to
the 'hidden' sym-link functionality in windows XP. I think in later
versions of windows, there are built-in tools to access sym-links.
~ ~ Dave
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