[pmwiki-devel] Preventing Embedded Markup Expressions

DaveG pmwiki at solidgone.com
Sat Jul 3 19:43:58 CDT 2010

On 7/3/2010 5:56 PM, Petko Yotov wrote:
> On Saturday 03 July 2010 23:29:15, DaveG wrote :
>>     (:includesection "#common-blog-head title='{(bi_encode {*$Title})}'
>> entrydate='{*$:entrydate}' entrytags='{(bi_encode {*$:entrytags})}'
>> entryauthor='{(bi_encode {*$:entryauthor})}' listformat=false ":)
> Wow. I hope that this is in a template, and not spread across ordinary wiki
> pages edited by normal bloggers. :-)
Yep, template.

> Also, maybe you just don't need to send include variables title='...'
> entrytags='...' and use {$$title} and {$$entrytags} in the included section:
> use directly {*$Title} and {*$:entrytags} which will be read from the current
> page.
Unfortunately, the header can be called from either a pagelist or a 
'normal' page. So I need to includesection passing parameters of either 
{*$Title} or {=$Title}, depending on whether it's called from a single 
page, or pagelist. Hence, the includesection parameters.

>> 1] Is there a way to disable embedded markup expression handling in
>> selected cases?
> If your markup expression is always the most internal one, I think you can use
> $params instead of $args as in your "implode(' ', $args)".
Useful to know, and $params is the same as the implode in this case, but 
not sure how to apply that to a solution; I presume you were just 
informing me of the existence of $param.

>> 2] It seems to me that I may simply be approaching this the wrong way.
>> I'm quoting the includesection parameters, which is causing the problem.
>> Is there an alternate way to use includesection?
> If you require such complex includes (and the tip above cannot help), you may
> want to define in PHP your own custom markup like (:blogit-common-header:)
> which will call IncludeText() with all variables.
The header might vary across skins, but I should be able to handle that 
small variation with a minor parameter or two. Seems like this is a good 
alternative, thanks for the idea.


  ~ ~ Dave

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