[pmwiki-devel] Add guid tag to each item of RSS feeds

Daniel Roesler diafygi at gmail.com
Mon Jan 25 11:57:00 CST 2010

In the interest of pleasing all parties, I've modified feeds.php to
include optional guid info. If the url contains "?action=rss&edits=1"
options, a guid tag is added to the xml feed. If no "edits=1" option
exists, no guid is added. This only works for ?action=rss, but it
could certainly be expanded to other feed types. This change only adds
an option and does not affect previous behavior at all.

I've attached the patched file and diff file. The main reason I'm
pushing for this core change is because I'd like to be able to follow
edits on pmwiki.org via rss. I will be updating the PITS entry.

Daniel Roesler
diafygi at gmail.com

On Tue, Jan 5, 2010 at 8:30 AM, Daniel Roesler <diafygi at gmail.com> wrote:
> Okay, here's a classic example.
> I follow my pages and PITS entries via a wikitrail on my profile page
> (http://www.pmwiki.org/wiki/Profiles/Diafygi), and I subscribe to it's
> RSS feed (http://www.pmwiki.org/wiki/Profiles/Diafygi?action=rss). You
> would think an RSS feed would notify you of changes to the pages on
> that trail. But when Petko updated the PITS/01161, my aggregator
> didn't recognize the update. I had no idea that Petko had updated the
> page until I came back and checked the site. It created a huge time
> lag between discussion/updates.
> I've updated the PITS entry to include $ItemUnixTime by default so
> there is no need for a new variable.
> Avast!
> Daniel Roesler
> diafygi at gmail.com
> On Sat, Jan 2, 2010 at 12:16 PM, Daniel Roesler <diafygi at gmail.com> wrote:
>> All the sites I run use RSS feeds as a way to monitor changes to the
>> website and that includes edits.
>> I guess it depends on what the purpose of your wiki is. For
>> collaborative-style wiki's (like pmwiki.org), monitoring edits is
>> needed. If you're running a blog-style site, just new entries added to
>> the WikiTrail used for RSS generation is needed.
>> So, the current default for RSS is geared toward more of a blog-style
>> website. I'd like to switch the default to wiki-like edit monitoring
>> (we are a wiki, after all), but I don't know what the majority of
>> PmWiki admins do with their sites.
>> Edit monitoring includes new entry monitoring, but the opposite is not
>> true. New entry monitoring skips over edits to old pages. I'd rather
>> have extra updates than miss some by default.
>> Avast!
>> Daniel Roesler
>> diafygi at gmail.com
>> On Sat, Jan 2, 2010 at 11:47 AM, Patrick R. Michaud <pmichaud at pobox.com> wrote:
>>> On Sat, Jan 02, 2010 at 11:33:01AM -0600, Daniel Roesler wrote:
>>>> I say we have the <link> element contain {$PageUrl} (like it does now)
>>>> and add a separate <guid> element that adds on a unique identifier by
>>>> default. I'm ok with the uid being ISO instead of Unix, but we really
>>>> need unique links for RSS feeds.
>>> We *do* have unique links for RSS feeds -- each page url serves
>>> as its own guid (by virtue of there not being a guid entry by
>>> default).
>>> The question I'm posing is whether each separate edit to a page
>>> should default to generating a new guid for the page.  I think
>>> that should be a per-site decision, not something that PmWiki
>>> dictates to be the case.
>>> On the other hand, if the vast majority of sites expect that
>>> every edit should result in a new entry in an aggregator, then
>>> I'm willing to change the default, as long as we make it clear
>>> how to get back to the other behavior.
>>> Pm
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