[pmwiki-devel] Add guid tag to each item of RSS feeds

Daniel Roesler diafygi at gmail.com
Sat Jan 2 10:32:58 CST 2010

Happy New Year!

I've been having some trouble getting my edits to show up on RSS
aggregator. The problem is the lack of a guid tag in each item of the
RSS feed. PmWiki updates the times for each edit, but the link for the
item stays the same. Consequently, aggregators think that updated time
is just a fluke and ignore the update.

RSS feeds for PmWiki need to have a unique link for each item, so feed
readers can identify new edits. I've created a patch (just changed two
lines) in /scripts/feeds.php that fixes the problem. It adds a
?guid=1234567890 to the end of the PageUrl link (unix time stamp of
last edit). Can we please include it for the next version of PmWiki?

I've also created a PITS entry:

Daniel Roesler
diafygi at gmail.com
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