[pmwiki-devel] custom markup question...

John Rankin john.rankin at affinity.co.nz
Sun Dec 12 17:38:59 CST 2010

On 13/12/10 11:00 AM, adam overton wrote:
> i'm trying to create a custom markup device that captures text and inserts other markup for any text lying between (:newmarkup:) and (:newmarkupend:)
> Markup('createColumns', 'fulltext',
> 	'/\\(:createColumns\\s+(.*)\\s*:\\)(.*)\\(:createColumnsend:\\)/ie',
> 	'CreateColumns_func("$1","$2")'
> );
> any idea how i can get my markup to span the entire distance?
Try /ies in the match pattern -- the 's' should make the regular 
expression keep going past line endings.


John Rankin
Affinity Limited
T 64 4 495 3737
F 64 4 473 7991
john.rankin at affinity.co.nz

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