[pmwiki-devel] Creating a page text variable in a recipe

Hans design5 at softflow.co.uk
Sun Sep 27 14:02:36 CDT 2009

Sunday, September 27, 2009, 7:10:57 PM, Simon wrote:

> I want a variable associated with a particular wiki page 
> (cf {PageName$PageVariable} or {PageName$:PageTextVariable}

> that is set by the recipe and saved as part of the page contents.

in your function you need something like this:
  //first get the page text content
  $page = RetrieveAuthPage($pagename, 'edit', true);
  if (!$page) Abort("?cannot edit $pagename");
  $newpage = $page;
  $text = $page['text'];

  //do something to $text
  //$key is name of PTV, $val is PTV value
  //adding a PTV:
  $text .= "\n(:$key: $val:)";

  //saving the page with the modified $text
  $newpage['text'] = $text;
  UpdatePage($pagename, $page, $newpage);

  //back to view the page
  //redirect is good since we updated or added a PTV
  //and want to see the change immidiately
  //end of function

  //or alternatively
//  HandleDispatch($pagename,'browse');
//  exit;
  //end of function


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