[pmwiki-devel] PTVs using MarkupExpr, in a Pagelist

DaveG pmwiki at solidgone.com
Mon Jan 19 13:21:58 CST 2009

In yet more delightful banging-my-head on the table, I decided to take a 
lateral move and use {$$PageCount} in the pagelist template. That way I 
could at least see if no pages were returned, or if less than a variable 
'number-of-entries-per-page' was returned, to not display a 'next link'. 
This wouldn't completely solve the problem as we might still display a 
link to no more pages if {$$PageCount}='number-of-entries-per-page', but 

Joy... not. Neither of those options work either.

1] (I defined a conditional markup lt)
$Conditions['lt'] = 'blogger_LessThan($condparm)';
function blogger_LessThan($args){
   return (bool)($args[0] < $args[1]);

And in the pagelist template:
   (:template last:)
   (:if lt "{$$PageCount}" "{$Blogger_EntriesPerPage}":)Don't include 
the 'next arrow'(:else:)include the 'next arrow'(:ifend:)

Nope -- {$$vars} can't be used in conditions.

2] Check to see is {$$PageCount} is zero or empty, and thus no pages 
were found, so display a message and a link back:
   (:template last:)
   (:if "{$$PageCount}" "":)No more pages, click to 
return.(:else:)display 'next arrow'(:ifend:)

Also doesn't work. Apparently the pagelist doesn't execute of count=x..y 
would returns no results. That includes (:template first:) and 
(:template last:) sections. Neither are performed if no results.

Other ideas welcomed.

  ~ ~ Dave

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