[pmwiki-devel] PTVs using MarkupExpr, in a Pagelist

DaveG pmwiki at solidgone.com
Sun Jan 18 22:42:20 CST 2009

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Thanks for the response Peter. Changing the parse order seems to work in 
some cases. Seems to be okay for {$variables} but not {$$variables}.

Works with {$variables}:
   var:{earlymx(substr {$FullName} 2 5)}
   FullName is {$FullName}\\
   var is {$:var}\\

   FullName is Site.Blogger-CoreTemplate
   var is ite.B

Doesn't work with {$$variables}:
   var:{earlymx(substr {$$blogid} 2 5)}
   blogid is {$$blogid}\\
   var is {$:var}\\

   blogid is blog1
   var is $blog

What I'm actually tying to do is get the count of a pagelist, one with 
embedded variables, so I can use it do determine the total number of 
pages expected. The pagelist contains PTVs, markup expressions, and 
{$variables}. Here's an example (the pagelist itself does work):

(:pagelist wrap=none fmt=#multi-entry-view order=-$:entrydate 
{(bloggerBlogGroups)} {(bloggerIfVar if blogid {$$blogid})} 
$:entrytype={$Blogger_PageType_BLOG} {(bloggerIfVar if entrystatus 
{$$status})} count={$Blogger_EntryStart}..{$Blogger_EntryEnd} :)

What I actually need is something that will allow processing of PTVs, 
markup expressions, and {$variables}. Looking at the PmWiki source to 
determine order processing didn't help me much.

  ~ ~ David

Peter Bowers wrote:
> I didn't notice if your question had already been answered (seeing as I'm
> about 5 days late) so I'll answer off-list.
> The problem, as you correctly surmised, is the MXs typically get processed
> much later than PTVs.  The way I got around this was {earlymx{...}) which is
> exactly like a normal MX but gets processed way earlier.  You can see it in
> WikiSh.php if you're interested, but probably this brief explanation
> suffices.
> -Peter
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: pmwiki-devel-bounces at pmichaud.com [mailto:pmwiki-devel-
>> bounces at pmichaud.com] On Behalf Of DaveG
>> Sent: Saturday, January 10, 2009 8:19 PM
>> To: PmWiki Devel
>> Subject: [pmwiki-devel] PTVs using MarkupExpr, in a Pagelist
>> I'm trying to declare a PTV, based on the result of a Markup Expression.
>> The ME resolves correctly, but displaying the value of the PTV and I get
>>   a fragment of the ME.
>> Pagelist:
>> (:template each:)
>> x:{(bloggerBasePage {=$FullName})}\\
>> x is {$:x}\\
>> Output:
>> x:MyGroup/BasePageName
>> x is {=$FullName}
>> Is the problem simply that ME gets resolved too late to assign to a PTV,
>> or do I have a variable reference wrong?
>>   ~ ~ Dave
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