[pmwiki-devel] Markup Processing Order

DaveG pmwiki at solidgone.com
Fri Jul 18 10:29:56 CDT 2008

I've created a markup which calls a function. I'm trying to override 
$DefaultPageTextFmt, but if I do this inside the markup function the 
override doesn't occur. Placing the code inside the main body of the 
recipe works fine, but obviously triggers all the time, rather than when 
the markup is used..

I suspect I simply need to change the processing order of the markup 
some how. Suggestions?

Here's the markup:
   Markup("pmgallery", 'inline', "/\\(:pmgallery\\s*(.*?):\\)/se", 

And the override code:
   $GLOBALS['DefaultPageTextFmt'] = '(:include {$Group}.pmPageNotFound:)';

  ~ ~ Dave

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