[pmwiki-devel] Templates and value arrays

DaveG pmwiki at solidgone.com
Wed Jul 16 19:02:14 CDT 2008

> You could create a custom pagestore so that you actually do
> have pages.  
Not familiar with pagestores -- I'll take a look.

> This pagestore could name the page after each 
> image and it could populate page attributes.  
It sounds like the plugin creates physical pages. Since I'm simply 
including links to remote images (at Picasa), one of the techniques I 
use it to use 'virtual pages' with the GroupHeader/Footer technique. I 
do also allow for actual pages, so this might work also.

> If you put all 
> of your images in a group you could then use Group.Header or
> Group.Footer as a template to display the image using page 
> (or page text) variables.

So, here you suggesting that the header/footer would contain the page 
variables to display image data? Part of my challenge here is 
understanding how this would this work with multiple images on a single 

  ~ ~ Dave

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